15 best open source API gateways

15 best open source API gateways


An important part of a microservices architecture is an API gateway, which aids in managing incoming traffic from various sources, directing it to the proper service, and managing requests and responses. Open source API gateways are widely available, each with special features and advantages. We will examine 15 best  open source API gateways in this article.


Open source API gateway Tyk places a strong emphasis on usability and scalability. A variety of features, including rate limitation, authentication, and analytics, are available. Additionally, Tyk features a dashboard that enables real-time management and monitoring of your APIs.


Kong  is a popular open source API gateway and offers a full range of functionality to manage and coordinate microservices. It is compatible with plugins for transformation, rate limitation, and authentication. Additionally, Kong features a distributed architecture that is adept at managing heavy traffic levels.


Ambassador  is also an open source API gateway and it is created using the Envoy proxy. It offers attributes like rate restriction, authentication, and observability. Additionally, the architecture of Ambassador’s plugins enables you to increase its functionality.


Traefik  is an open source API gateway and made to interact with Kubernetes and other container orchestration platforms. It offers functions like traffic routing, SSL termination, and load balancing. Additionally, Traefik facilitates the integration of several service discovery platforms.


Zuul developed by Netflix is also an open source API gateway. It offers functions including load balancing, filtering, and routing. Additionally, Zuul offers dynamic routing based on a number of variables, including location and service accessibility.


Gloo is constructed using the Envoy proxy. It offers functions including rate limitation, load balancing, and routing. The integration of Gloo with different service mesh systems is also supported.


Performance and simplicity are the main goals of the open source KrakenD API gateway. It offers capabilities including rate limitation, caching, and transformation. Additionally, KrakenD features a plugin architecture that lets you increase its functionality.

Express Gateway

Express Gateway is a Node.js-based open source API gateway. It offers attributes including rate restriction, authentication, and transformation. Additionally, the plugin design of Express Gateway enables you to increase its functionality.

Spring Cloud Gateway

Spring Cloud Gateway  is an open source API gateway based on the Spring Framework. It offers functions including load balancing, filtering, and routing. Various service discovery methods can be integrated with Spring Cloud Gateway as well.

WSO2 API Manager

 WSO2 API Manager is an open source API management platform with an API gateway. It offers functions including analytics, rate limitation, and authentication. Additionally, WSO2 API Manager provides a thorough dashboard that enables real-time monitoring and management of your APIs.


Kratos is an open source API gateway developed by Uber. It offers attributes including rate restriction, authentication, and transformation. Additionally, Kratos facilitates the integration of several service mesh platforms.

API Umbrella

API Umbrella is also an open source API gateway and offers functions like rate limitation, authentication, and analytics. Its framework for plugins also enables you to increase its capabilities. It is simple to deploy and manage API Umbrella.

Camel Gateway

Camel Gateway is an open source API gateway based on Apache Camel and It offers functions including filtering, transformation, and routing. Additionally, Camel Gateway offers integration with different service discovery platforms.


Fusio is an open source API management platform with an API gateway and offers functions including analytics, rate limitation, and authentication. Additionally, the plugin architecture of Fusio enables you to increase its functionality. Fusio is made to be portable and simple to use.


Moleculer  is an API gateway and is part of the open source microservices framework. It offers functions including rate restriction, caching, and load balancing. Additionally, Moleculer offers a thorough dashboard that enables real-time management and monitoring of your APIs. To sum up, open source API gateways offer programmers a range of choices for managing and orchestrating microservices. There is an open source API gateway that satisfies your requirements, whether you’re searching for simplicity, performance, scalability, or extensive functionality. There are many more possibilities than just these 15, so developers should pick the one that best suits their particular use case. Developers no longer have to worry about overseeing the underlying infrastructure when using open source API gateways; they can instead concentrate on creating their applications and providing value to their users.
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