What is BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) ? And what are the security issues associated with BYOD?
It is common phenomenon nowadays for employees of a given organization to bring their personally owned devices to workplaces. BYOD, which stands for Bring Your Own Device, is an evolving paradigm that is gaining widespread popularity and acceptability due to the proliferation of powerful computing devices. These devices might include, but are not limited to: smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other PDAs. Moreover, it is highly probable that these devices will be used to perform business operations.
BYOD may increase productivity and employ satisfaction. But it poses grave danger to the overall security posture of organizations. Because, workers might negligently place sensitive and critical business information on their personally owned devices. As a matter of fact, these devices are prone to high theft rate and might not be properly patched and security-hardened likewise the organizationally owned devices. Therefore, organizations should cautiously conduct comprehensive risk assessment procedures before adopting BYOD initiatives to their environments and loss control of their invaluable data.