How to restore control file using Fast Recovery Area in oracle database?
Anonymous Answered question 25/09/2022
If controlfile autobackup is enabled and the default location of db_recovery_file_dest parameter is fast recovery area(FRA), you can restore the controlfile using the following commands.
$ rman target / RMAN> startup nomount; RMAN> restore controlfile from autobackup;
And Finally RMAN restores the control files to the location defined by your control_files initialization parameter.
If controlfile autobackup is not enabled, we can restore the controlfile using the following SQL commands:
$ rman target / RMAN> startup nomount; RMAN> restore controlfile from '+FRA/proddb/backupset/2022_09_25/o6_mf_dfmmf_90cf0z_.bkp';
meda Changed status to publish 25/09/2022