What is hybrid cloud and what the benefits of hybrid cloud?
Hybrid cloud is a type of cloud computing deployment model that makes use of a combination of public cloud and private cloud services. In a hybrid cloud deployment model, organizations deploy their workloads in private cloud or public clouds depending on their business requirements. Unlike the public cloud or private cloud deployments, this alternative gives a business greater flexibility and more data deployment and management options. Furthermore, it is a cloud deployment model that uses a combination of two or more different deployment models from private, public, or community deployment architectures. It consists of some combination of public cloud, private cloud and/or community cloud features with standardized or proprietary technology that enables data and application portability. And it provides users with greater flexibility and choice when it comes to their cloud based applications and services.
Benefits of hybrid cloud deployment include the following:
- Cost management
- Scalability
- Agility
- Resiliency
- Interoperability
- Compliance requirements
- Consistency
- Control over critical or sensitive systems
- Reliability
- Support for standardization in IT management
- Lower capital expenditure (CaPex)
- Reusability of existing infrastructure and technology
- Disaster recovery support