What is role based access control (RBAC) and what is the main advantage of RBAC?
Role based access control (RBAC) is a type of access control model that bases the access control authorization on the roles and functions that the user is assigned to within an enterprise.
Role based access control (RBAC) is an access control model that authorizes access to assets or resources through functional roles within an organization. It is a model that maps subject to objects based on the role of the user in the organization. A role is a set of job functions defined by the organization and access is granted based on the needs of that particular role. The organization defines functional roles and assigns access to every subject and the role determines the permissions and permissions that the subject will have on organizational assets or resources.
Role based access control (RBAC) has multiple advantages, including the following:
- Reduces costs
- Lowers administrative overheads
- Minimizes data breaches and data leakage risks
- Provides visibility on accesses granted to subjects
- Enhances compliance requirements
- Improves managerial and operational efficiencies
- Provides easy audit trials
- Easier access provisioning and de-provisioning processes
- Improves security posture of applications and systems
- Reduces insider threats
- Increases productivity of employees
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