Top cybersecurity frameworks for 2023

Top cybersecurity frameworks for 2023


The importance of cybersecurity is more than ever in the connected world of today. Data breaches, financial losses, and reputational harm can all result from cyberattacks. Many organizations use cybersecurity frameworks to direct their security efforts in order to protect themselves from these threats. We’ll examine the top cybersecurity frameworks for 2023 in this article.

ISO 27001

Information security management is governed by the international standard ISO 27001. It offers a methodical way to managing sensitive enterprise data that keeps it secure. The standard encompasses people, processes, and technology in addition to all facets of information security. Widely respected, ISO 27001 can assist enterprises in showing their partners and clients how serious they are about security.


A collection of guidelines for protecting payment card data is known as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). It applies to businesses that handle, store, or transmit credit card data. Organizations that accept credit card payments must adhere to the PCI DSS. The standard is made to assist businesses in preventing payment card fraud and safeguarding consumer data.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework

An established framework that offers a collection of recommendations and best practices for handling cybersecurity threats is the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). The five key components of it are identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover. The CSF is adaptable and may be tailored to satisfy the unique requirements of various businesses.

CIS Controls

A collection of best practices for protecting an organization’s IT systems and data is called the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Controls. Three groups—basic, organizational, and foundational—are used to group the controls. The CIS Controls are created to be simple to install and are routinely updated to reflect changes in the threat scenario.

SANS Top 20 Critical Security Controls

A collection of best practices for protecting IT systems and data may be found in the SANS Top 20 Critical Security Controls. The controls, which are divided into 20 categories, are made to assist organizations in setting priorities for their security initiatives. The SANS Top 20 Critical Security Controls are widely regarded as a prominent set of security guidelines and are updated frequently to reflect changes in the threat landscape.


A thorough framework for handling security and privacy concerns in healthcare enterprises is the HITRUST CSF. It contains a collection of safeguards derived from a number of laws, guidelines, and frameworks, such as HIPAA, NIST, and ISO 27001. The HITRUST CSF, which is widely used in the healthcare sector, was created to assist companies in adhering to legal obligations while maintaining a high level of security.

CSA Cloud Controls Matrix

A set of security measures created especially for cloud computing is called the Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA). A set of instructions for protecting data and applications in the cloud are provided by the CCM. The controls, which fall under 17 different categories, are made to assist enterprises in evaluating the security of cloud service providers.


The ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) is a collection of recommended procedures for managing IT services. It offers a framework for handling IT services, particularly those that are security-related. All facets of IT service management, such as service design, service transition, and service operation, are covered by ITIL. The framework is widely used and can aid businesses in raising the standard of their IT services while preserving a high level of security.


IT governance and management are governed by the COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology) framework. It offers a collection of recommendations for matching IT activities with corporate goals and targets. All facets of IT governance are covered by the framework, including compliance, risk management, and security. Widely used COBIT can assist firms in showcasing their dedication to efficient IT governance.

NIST Privacy Framework

A series of recommendations for handling privacy risk is the NIST Privacy Framework. It is built around the identification, defense, and response of threats. The framework offers a methodical approach to managing privacy risk and can assist firms in adhering to privacy laws like the CCPA and GDPR.

CSA Security, Trust & Assurance Registry

A set of standards for evaluating the security of cloud service providers is the CSA Security, Trust & Assurance Registry (STAR). The STAR initiative maintains a registry of cloud service providers whose security policies have been evaluated by a third party. The registry can assist businesses in evaluating the security of cloud service providers and selecting the best ones to work with.


A framework for managing and assessing information risk is called FAIR (Factor Analysis of Information Risk). It offers a collection of recommendations for evaluating and controlling risk based on variables like the possibility and consequences of a security breach. Organizations can more efficiently allocate resources and set priorities for their security operations with the aid of the FAIR framework.


A set of recommendations and tools for protecting online applications are offered by the community-driven group known as OWASP (Open online Application Security Project). Organizations should be aware of the security concerns listed in the OWASP Top Ten when creating online apps. For safeguarding web applications, the OWASP community also offers a variety of tools and resources.


A framework for comprehending and classifying cyber risks is MITRE ATT&CK. It offers a selection of the strategies and methods employed by attackers as well as a selection of defenses against those strategies and methods. Based on the most probable dangers they may encounter, the framework can assist businesses in prioritizing their security activities.


Contractors working for the Department of Defense (DoD) must meet the standards of the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). Each level of certification offered by the CMMC requires a higher level of cybersecurity maturity. The CMMC is made to make sure that DoD contractors have the right cybersecurity measures in place to safeguard private information.

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