What is an Operating System in computer?

What is an Operating System?

An Operating System, famously known as OS, is an essential part of any computer system. It is generally a complex software program that manages a computer hardware. It specifically manages the device’s memory, processes, software stack and hardware.

Computer systems host many programs running concurrently. These programs will definitely need Central Processing Unit (CPU), memory (ROM, RAM), storage (Disks), network interfaces and input/output (I/O) devices to fulfil its intended purposes. The OS therefore coordinates and provides enough of these computer resources to each program as per its request and quota.

There are many flavors of operating systems in the industry that computer users can utilize as per their preferences.

What Operating Systems Do

Computer has mainly four major components. These are the hardware, the operating system, the application programs and finally the users. OS is thus a program that acts as an intermediary between the users of the computer and the hardware. OS further provides the environment within which application programs are executed and run.

Additionally, the OS provides users with an interface to interact with the rest of the computer system components. The OS further helps the computer user to make I/O operations and file system manipulation activities.

The component of Operating System

File Management: A file is an object that resides within our computer system. Moreover, the operating system enables computer users to maintain their file and directory structures. Depending on the flavor of the OS, users will have the option to manipulate their file systems and director structures as per their demand.

Process Management: This component of the OS is very important to manage all the processes running in the computer system. Users will have visibility into the running processes. Furthermore, computer users will have the options of ending or starting processes as needed. It is good practice to have a watching eye on the running processes to handle performance and security issues with our computer system.

Main Memory Management: The memory part of our computer system is very crucial resource to maintain programs and applications. In other words, the OS handles the memory on behave of the computer users. It is complex endeavor and the OS allocates and releases memory space.

Secondary Memory Management: Computer systems nowadays can interface with arrays of storage devices. These may include HDD, SDD, CD/DVD, USB and so on devices. The OS integrates these media with the computer system and makes it usable for programs execution and storage requirements.

Network Management: Computer can be in a  standalone or interconnected mode. Nowadays, for many reasons it is rare situation to use standalone machines though. Our machines will be connected to computer networks for information exchange, coordination and other related purposes. This seamless orchestration of services within our computer and the network is managed by the OS.